From the Office of The Director-General/Chief Executive Officer
The National Biosafety Management Agency (NBMA) is committed to ensuring proper regulation of modern biotechnology and its products so that it does not cause harm to human health and the environment. The Agency is to also ensure the regulation of new and emerging areas of modern Biotechnology such as gene drive, gene editing, synthetic biology and to ensure biosecurity in Nigeria.
Despite the great potentials that modern Biotechnology offers, numerous Biosafety concerns have been raised such as Safety in the areas of gene flow, invasiveness, non-target effect, allergenicity, toxicity, and socio-economic concerns etc. It is in the context of these concerns that biosafety has become a means of addressing potential adverse impacts of modern biotechnology such as GMOs and emerging technologies.
We carry out the activities of regulations through the application of laws, policies, regulations, guidelines, knowledge, techniques, measures, equipment, and procedures for minimizing potential risks that modern biotechnology and GMOs might pose on the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity, taking into account risks to human health and the environment.