We have a wide range of functions to ensure biosafety and biosecurity, and our primary responsibilities includes:

- To formulate overall policy guidance on issues of Biosafety in Nigeria.
- Implement the provisions of the Conventions and the Protocols on matters relating to genetically Modified Organisms.
- Render reports to the Secretariat of the Convention on the implementation of the Convention and Protocol on a matter relating to the use of Genetically Modified Organisms.
- Develop measures and requirements and criteria for Biosafety risk assessment peer review and decision making.
- Develop measures and requirements for Biosafety risk assessment.
- Develop risk management plan and strategy for protecting human health, biological diversity, and the environment from potential risks associated with genetically modified organisms.
- Accept and verity applications in respect of genetically modified organisms and keep records of all approvals and unapproved applications as contained in Part VIII. Subsection 24 (1).
- Take samples and carry out laboratory analysis of crops, products, or materials for purposes of determining if they contain genetically modified organisms and ensure compliance with this Act.
- Carry out actions necessary to ensure compliance with the legal obligations set out in the Act, including, but not limited to, the inspection of facilities, conduct research activities with genetically modified organisms covered by the Act, the collection and analysis of samples of materials covered by the Act, the monitoring of human health and the environment to determine the effects of genetically modified organisms regulated by the Act.
- Liaise with the secretariat of the convention and the Biosafety clearinghouse with respect to the administrative functions required under the Protocol.
- Carry out and maintain inventory of laboratories with physical and human capacities to conducts research in modern biotechnology.
- Monitor the activities of institutional committees and Biosafety officers.
- Coordinate biosecurity activities across the country.
- Ensure the elimination of harmful biological weapons.
- Build, equip, and maintain offices and premises for the performance of its action under the Act.
- Pay remuneration, allowances, expenses, and any other benefit to members of the Board and employees of the Agency or any other persons, in accordance with the National Salaries, Income and Wages Commission.
- Carry out capacity-building activities.
- Perform other duties as may be necessary for the full discharge of its functions under this Act, and
- Partner with other relevant local and international agencies for the speedy realization of the Agency’s mandate.

Benefits of the Agency to the Nation
- Assurance of adequately regulated modern biotechnology activities for the safety of human health and the environment in the use of genetically modified organisms.
- Assurance of a bio secured environment.
- Provision of an enabling environment for indigenous and foreign scientists to practice modern biotechnology safely under a robust legal framework.
- Assurance of adequately regulated use of modern biotechnology for the improvement and increased productivity in the agricultural sector that would lead to improved socioeconomic status of Nigerian farmers and enhanced national economic prosperity.
- Foreign investments and earnings from safe modern biotechnology sector.
- Environmental sustainability.
- Jobs/wealth creation arising from various modern biotechnology activities.
- Availability of raw materials for industrial growth, particularly in the Nigerian textile sector.
- Development of plants/organisms that can reduce the impact of climate change and serve in pollution remediation.
- Improvement of the medical sector using various plants that abound in the country.